my latest accessory ...

She is sore all the time
She has constant pain
Her back doesn't work like it used to
She has trouble walking, sitting, standing, sleeping
She needs a lot of help and assistance
She can't lift her baby (or hold or care for or snuggle him :( ...)
She is in treatment for her back
She is praying and believing for a miracle
She asks you to pray too.
She is thankful.
oh dear that is awful! i will definitely be praying for you. i hope you and your baby are snuggling painlessly again soon.
get well have to play with your afghan textile..
Only this morning i read your textilespost. I came back to look again at all the beautys and now you'r in pain. Ayay............... yes i pray. Get well soon.
Oh poor you! You are definitely in my prayers. I wish I could come over and show you some gentle back and neck exercises that have been a boon to me. (Exercises for when you are better to strengthen your back.)
sending big wave of light straight to your spine lovely lady.....put my hands on your pain and dissolve it to the skies....
amazing how pain manifests in so many ways to make us real...understanding and big hugs always girl....
i am in awe of the afghan pieces and totally flabbergasted at their god, unbelievable anitques ripped off for $2 a pop. I am speeechless...i want to come to aotearoa just to look and seee these and explore the streets with you (and the walking stick of course) to unearth more hidden buried treasures of the soul! Hmmmm also want to get me hands on more silk from the warehouse and make that sunday trip that we never did do.....
love to you and yours...strength and weakness mama, let yourself rest with no guilt strings.
Sending you my love for your healing. Let those colourful afghans assist.. what a delicious find!
I'll look after your boy at school, you take care of you
it's coming at you from all sides honey...all these good thoughts must be doing xx
Loving healing vibes from Sis x
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