Its the school holidays here and my three sons and I are totally chilled out. Just as well, as the weather has definitely turned a corner and we're heading into winter. Its great for pj days, movie marathons, chocolate cakes and having friends over every day that we're home and not heading out to other folks houses.
I'm doing a quick round up of some projects that are due as well. I miss the beach and warm sand already but my head is now down in design mode as winter approaches. My husband and I also run The Little Vintage Store, our own small store of vintage goods at The Underground Market. We will be running those during the peak seasons, and festivals in Wellington. Meanwhile he just got promoted to management in his firm which is good news in the current economic climes. And I have a couple of online shops to stock with handmade and vintage goods.

What do you do during the winter months? Do you hibernate and start thinking casseroles, soups and baking tins full of homemade treats? Do you start itching to quilt a new blankie, or knit up some warm hats and mittens? I have a friend who changes her home interior to match the seasons! I think that's awesome. Personally I love that its a time to slow down, savour things like nesting in our homes, spending time with people we love and eating hearty kai.
Speaking of awesome, I am currently hitting between 100- 200 views per day! I couldn't believe it. Apparently you all swing by without leaving a comment.
Please take the time to comment. Its always nice to hear from you. ;)
I am currently working on a banner for a 25th wedding anniversary and a wedding banner. If you are interested in commissioning a personalised one, please contact me directly at I also run a local crafting group. If you are interested in The Clever Crafting Project group, then please do also drop me a line. New faces are always warmly welcome.
Your beautiful photographs express the creative buzz going on over there, Rachelle. Winter is usually my time to work like there's no tomorrow. For some reason my energy levels soar during Autumn and Winter.
Im back at work in a few days (sad but good) and so I dread the cold commute on the train - so I need to do an opp shop for an nice coat!
Always a pleasure to read here. I love your craft and the vignettes that you post of your shop and small space in your home. I love the way you share your traditions, too.
We are heading into summer here. I dread summers now that I live further inland. The Ocean is the most wonderful place on earth to me. I'd like to be five miles west of where we moved, but, "bloom where you are planted" still is the best way to handle things that can't be changed. I can run to the ocean from here pretty well, too.
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