Try taking a photo of yourself trying to look natural. Impossible. But here I am with my woolly green beret, favourite jade necklace (thanks Mum) and my leather cuff I made last month. A dab of lipstick because I had coffee this morning at Aunty Daisy's with good friend Wini.
Of course, I feel goofy posting photos of myself but I know my family in Oz ponders my wellbeing, so this is for them mostly.
The view from our dining room. That is not a bird, it is grass that's blown onto the window.
The tree out the kitchen window is swaying madly. I loved rainy days when I was a kid. I lived with my grandparents who had a tin roof, the rain literally beat down and we would spend time indoors playing cards, reading books and making stuff. I am adamant that the tv not rule our house and lately have had lots of tv-free days with the kids during the school holidays. My eldest son loves reading and we growl him because now he won't put his books down. My youngest can't sit still but loves playing games and because he is learning to read, puts his new skills to the test reading instructions and copying words down in his writing books.
My gumboots wait by the door for me to go pick up Marcus from school or brave the beach. I bought Marcus new school shoes for $20 from the Warehouse and got these for free! Don't you love that - I do!
So imagine our surprise when we discovered we are expecting our THIRD son! OMG. I instantly groaned and thought "Oh no, more holes in the walls and smelly puppy-dog boys rooms and puddles beside the toilet." My husband leaned over and went "There goes any hope of us ever having a tidy house." I laughed because we seem to have only one recipe. Mind you, I love my crazy boys dearly but I was ready for a different kinda surprise, you know, a GIRL one. A mate that wanted to craft and bargain hunt and do chick things with. Boys just want to go to the skatepark. My husband laughingly said, "Shall we try again?" I said, "Not with this wife!" Perhaps polygamy has some benefits. Still I am happy that this baby is all intact and apparently larger than normal. Interesting because I am eating the most healthy food I ever ate and drinking screeds of water.
No cravings here. Well except to create handmade gifts and things for the upcoming Crafty Market at our local art gallery Pataka, here in Porirua (16 August 2008). I made the cuddle monster below for my friend Chrissy's son, Israel. I hope he likes it and it doesn't scare him. It's made out of random vintage wool fabric and buttons, and machine stitched.
hey gorgeous, cool blog!! Just wanted to be the first to post a comment haha.
You're a rel blog pro., great fun catching up on all your doings. love your boots and am wildly inpressed by yr. cup cakes, as tiny and dreamy as knittin baby's booties with a sense of well-being.
hey rach cool to see you back and that all is well! Hold on tight down there, we're going thru the same gales, rain and more rain. When I'm done, I'll send it your way! I'm right over all this winteritis I WANT SUMMER!!
love catching up with you, :) carole
I'm tempted to ask 'Don't you know what causes it?' But that would be cheeky..:-)
Love your new black wedges and the cupcakes! Yes, you do sound very laid back which is great. This new little skateboarder will be very laid back too.
Hi found your blog today I love it ,I hope you don't mind I'm going to add you to my favorite's you sound like my kind of girl .
Love the boots and shoes gorgeous.
And your stuffed aminal so cute . from sesga x
hey Rachelle, I've left you a prezzie but you'll have to visit my blog to see what it is...and it was lovely catching up with you last week
Ka kite ano
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