Take a bunch of gloves ... some from the hardware store plus a couple of pairs from my hunting around secondhand shops.
Some arms, legs and tails to be attached.
Torsos looking slightly macabre. My kids always think my stuff is slightly dark given their expressions and opinions when they chance upon scenes like this.
A bunny awaits a face, some embroidery and a story / name courtesy of my boys.
Slowly getting stuff gathered for a stall.
A tin full of pin cushions including some yo-yo ones I made using some of that quilt fabric my friend Liz gave me and some vintage buttons. They are so old school. And of course, my bottle cap cupcake pincushions. Boy, I hope I make some money. This baby still needs a few things.
I have enjoyed surfing around, checking out different websites. Here are some that I have enjoyed ... For an amazing tutorial on making cool crayons like these ...

Rainy Day II, Tales - 2001
Playground I - 2002
I love to stitch (although I am still too impatient) and I think it was images of Anna Torma's work that helped me connect with the idea of mark making in this fashion. Anna Torma does amazing slow work, all hand done, inspired by her kids art.
Julie Arkell creates amazing mixed media creatures complete with knitted accessories. She papier maches, sews, sculpts and makes amazing story-type scenarios for each little creature. Having felt mocked and dismissed at art school somewhat for my love of craft and things that honour handmade, I feel a deep connection to ARTISTS like these ladies who meld both conceptual work and handcrafted creations to create meaningful and moving pieces. Their work moves me without even knowing the stories behind them, unlike some fine art pieces which although well-executed (sometimes) can also be incredibly cryptic and vague unless the artist 'undresses' their work in front of you. I think that is why I love crafting, it doesn't need to be pre-th0ught out but can be intuitive and still meaningful.
This next guy in a jar gives me a great idea. I have some of the kids creations just sitting on a shelf. I think I will create little speciman jars for them and get the kids to create stories to go with each one. Definitely love the jar guy. I love Anna Torma's and Julie Arkell's work. As textile artists, they are so inspiring. Go here to see more on both artists .... ttp://lovelytextiles.blogspot.com/. There's also an article on a knitter's wedding which looked fabulous, if I could do it again, I would definitely make it more in keeping with crafting and upcycling. And an article on Loop, an amazing wool shop that is so much more than a wool shop.
Finally http://www.soulemama.com/ has the most amazing creations. Check out her Flicker photo album. I want to be this industrious but first need to get my sewing a little stronger. Check out her kid's dress up corner. I want a corner like this for me. Next year, I am embarking on making my own wardrobe complete with clothes that I truly love and that can mix and match - all handmade.
I love her home. So much to see. I love her random cushions. At the Emporium today they were selling large cushion inserts for $10 each which gives me an idea for my own couches.
The current cushions are these frailish one's made from embroidered Indian silk remnants. With boys and handling they are not quite robust enough for pillow fights, hut building and sleeping on. I have been looking for a basic idea and like these made from, what else, vintage blankets. I am so doing this in my house. Might use old vintage flannel sheets for a softer pillow feel too, but just love these. Especially those buttoned up backsides of the cushions. And some blanket stitch. Next year I have decided to do tailoring at night school so I can learn to construct and finish things properly. I also want to do Photoshop and some photography classes for those all important 'action' shots and 'night' photos. Then if and when I return to art school, I will have a stronger skills base to work from. Of course, I am also keen to complete my counselling degree. I have my diploma and am qualified to work as a counsellor, but love the learning in this field. Plus being older now does mean I have a little more context and life experience to bring to the field. My ideal job would allow me to be creative, help others, travel and make money, as well as enhance my involvement with my family. I think crafting is the ideal vehicle for this.
Hi there, great to read about your personal crafting & sewing journal. All the best with the upcoming arrival of your little one.
3rd time lucky with my Best Wishes
thought about it
tried and failed
got it right?
All the very very best wishes for you and all your family
and my goodness are you creative
Hey you! Your craft is looking great! We should catch up before sproglet arrives :)
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