Saturday, October 27, 2012

Yarn Bomb

Our newly formed Hillsong creative ministry simply dubbed 'The Artist' had its first assignment this week. For the next two weeks, we have artists and makers in residence. In conjunction with the release of the new album 'The Chapel', our brief is to create works around The Chapel, the building which is based in Sydney and intimacy with God, as well as the album itself. 

With one hour to create a concept, one day to prepare and one service to complete the task, we were up for the challenge. I formed a project loosely based around stained glass windows and pews, and church being 'home'. Yes I'll admit it was a stretch but with such a short period to form a work, something speedy was called for. I have a collection of thrifted, hand knit blankets that I've accrued in the last two months I've lived in Australia from various op shops. We also scored a couch (modern day pew) from the youth ministry with a goal to create a warm place for people to sit  within our 'chapel'. Other artists are also working on a variety of projects they have formed too. Its going to be a great two weeks at Hillsong Brisbane campus. I'm so excited. x

We had lots of fun and got stuck in with great gusto. One of our youth girls stopped by, threaded up and did her first hand sewing. I love projects that involve lots of people both as spectators and participants. I firmly believe that art should be made as accessible as possible. My time at art school and working in an art gallery put me off the pretentiousness and exclusivity that can exist in some circles. Making purely for the love of making, to share skills and to encourage is how I roll.

Our team had a great time as we worked like the clappers to finish within an hour. The process was as awesome as the outcome. It was a great team building event and I loved seeing all our different ideas come together to create a cohesive conclusion. It was fun explaining to people milling around what we were doing and encouraging others who identified as creatives, to come check out our ministry. I loved working with our team. Thanks Annie, Sabina, Nicola and Jess for a great experience.

 I would have this couch in my home any day. x

I love The Artist ministry. That there is a regular, ongoing place for visual expression within the modern day church. For artists, makers, writers (poets, novelists, bloggers), photographers, graphic designers and the like. Always, church is about loving God and loving people. As someone who loves to create and make, I welcome the opportunity to encourage others in their unique capacities. I also rise to the challenge of creating an awesome atmosphere wherever I go, one that is positive and uplifting. Its so important that God's love is shared in ways that are relevant across the many spheres of society, and for me particularly to young people and their families. But really, just to anyone who is open and hungry, and passionate about life. x


ArtPropelled said...

It didn't take you long to settle
in, sweet girl! I'm sure you are an inspiration in your new community. Loving the glimpse into your new life.

zippiknits...sometimes said...

That is a beautiful post, on so many levels. Thanks for sharing the project,your work with the new community, and the creation. Love that Couch!

india flint said...

sitting in the lap of a rainbow...

Jen of MadeByGirl said...

wow thats incredible!

Joanna said...

I miss your posts...they were so inspirational to me! Come back!