Thursday, June 13, 2013

Maunga Tambourine

I went up the mountain to see what taonga I could find.

My skin sister India. A new tribe. Magic cloth. Royal feast. Liquid black gold from Jindaloo. Stitching hands. Autumn leaves. Iron river stones. A fragment of 'my Australia'. Peace. X

Click HERE for India's website

(Follow me on Instagram. #ahiparagirl to find me.)


Arija said...

Such beautiful photos of a time full of magic and wonder, wish I could have been there as well.
The colours are just glorious.

Sweetpea said...

Greetings Rachelle, so good to see you 'round this sphere again! I love that this post has such few words while the photos tell this story so magnificently (and Instagram certainly suits you ;>]. There are very few things, I think, better than being within a tribe of like-minded souls.

May I ask: what is "taonga"?

india flint said...

Kia Ora teina *
you and a camera = good mix

* hoping i have the spelling and intention correctly!

Velma Bolyard said...

grand pictures! thanks so much!

Michelle O'Connor said...

What a beautiful visual diary of a transformative journey! I enjoyed this very much. Sent me straight to my creative core!So glad it's Friday, the onset of my creative time!

Please visit my blog sometime:

Tarla said...

....fabulous photos, they tell a perfect story of a perfect 3 much to much fun to be had...a found tribe, all at "Ningaloo" (chuckle) xoxo

Ahipara Girl said...

I live in a new subdivision on the Gold Coast where everything is commercial and same same. Great for my family but not the artist in me. Breathing that cool fresh Autumn mountain air and seeing a landscape unsterilised was medicine for my soul. I am sure we will meet some day now that we occupy the same patch of dirt. X

Ahipara Girl said...

'Taonga' is the Maori word for 'treasure' or 'treasures'. It has broad meanings. Taonga can be people like family or friends, a possession like a special piece of treasure (like a stone from the river), or a special place like a mountain or river. Our language has so many broader meanings. I hope this helps. Thank you for your words of encouragement. Its good to be back. x

Ahipara Girl said...

Teina / Tuakana is a special relationship between older and younger sister. It is used to describe a learning dynamic in Maori human development models as well. It perfectly describes our relationship and your role as a teacher / inspiration for women all over the world. The photos were a piece of cake. So much good material to work with. (wink) x

Ahipara Girl said...

I'm loving my new-to-me blogger app on my android. Its the perfect marriage with my other love Instagram. After eight months dry spell, I posted twice with relative ease. Sooooo good. x

Ahipara Girl said...

Thank you Meta. Being with India is always magical. x

Ahipara Girl said...

Hi Michelle. I find so much inspiration online. Thank you for coming by. I'll check out your page for sure. x

Ahipara Girl said...

Lovely Ningaloo. What a blessed piece of earth. I'll be back. x

Tarla said...

Anytime....always happy to put the pot on for you!! xo Hey don't we have a hot date for the 30th?

Ahipara Girl said...

Yes we do x

ArtPropelled said...

Gorgeous images and happy memories!